Fictive Kin Book One
Fictive Kin Book Two
Fictive Kin Book Three
Fictive Kin Book Four
Fictive Kin Book Five
Three Realms, Nine Monarchs Book One
Three Realms, Nine Monarchs Book Two
Three Realms, Nine Monarchs Book Three
Wolves of Autumn Book One
A Wolves of Autumn Standalone
An Autumn & Arcadia Standalone
She’s one of those things that goes bump in the night; if only she knew what kind of thing that was…
They’re trying to stop an abomination, but the solution might be worse than the problem…
What if the secret to her best friend’s happiness is the source of her own worst fear?
The voice in his head should have been silenced, but it’s not. Instead, it’s getting stronger…
Her family was murdered. His has disowned him. Can they make a new life together?
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: A werewolf walks into an art gallery…
Change is coming to the Autumn County werewolves, and someone would kill to keep it from happening.
A sinister magical plot could destroy order in the Nine Monarchies. Foiling that plot could destroy something even more precious.
Facing the reality of life apart, they grab at the chance to be together. But can they choose their own happiness over the wellbeing of two Monarchies?
Nico Silver lives like a hermit on the edge of the woods, but haunts used bookstores like a wraith. They fully expected to be found someday as a mummified old corpse crushed under a toppled to-be-read pile, but the rise of e-books has made that somewhat less likely, though the books will always outnumber even the dustbunnies.
Nico will read just about anything, including the instructions on the back of medicine bottles, but has a particular fondness for good stories with a hint of magic. They write dark, sexy urban fantasy, and sometimes dream in black and white.